<aside> 💡 The Goal: Let the customers get their GHG reports in total autonomy.

Why is this important?

  1. Greenly Climate Experts can focus more on analysing the data, recommending action plans to reduce emissions.
  2. Potentially saves time and efforts for both the customers and Greenly Climate Experts. </aside>

Initial Impressions

Upon reviewing the data and pain points shared by the Climate Experts my initial impressions and assumptions were:


Upon reviewing the data and pain points shared by the Climate Experts, it naturally raised several questions. Most importantly, and key concerns were:

What’s next

After the initial impressions and questions my plan would be to first interview some Greenly Climate Experts to understand their current work flow. More specifically, I would try to understand:

And similarly my plan would be to interview some past customers, as well as some potential customers. The goal would be to understand:

Ideally I would create a journey map for both Climate Experts and the Customers to understand what stages of the data collection process takes more time, the tools used in each stage, and the degree of pain points.

<aside> 🚨 Based on the information available, I can hypothesise the problems briefly:

Climate Experts who are passionate about helping their customers need a more effective way of collecting data so they can focus more on analysing the data and recommending action plans to reduce emissions.

Customers who are interested in measuring their impact, need an autonomous way to share their data across all emission factors with Climate Experts, so that they can sustainably reduce their greenhouse emissions.
